They haven’t discovered any magical ring, nor do they derive their lineage from some godlike king of old.
They are only six ordinary, although heroic soldiers of a great Cedonian army.
But is it really possible to have cowards among the sons of Cedon, when a road to paradise is paved with honorable service to the king and to the homeland?
Nobody had any idea about dark forces leaning over their and destiny of an entire world. And it all started with landing of a Romean army coming to the aid of their Ellenic allies’, and sworn enemies of Cedon.
Darkness was on them, born out of despair in far west and brought forth from ancient history.
Is Darik’s band able to change something that seems inevitable?
Of course not, but sometimes, only sometimes even a pebble can change an avalanche flow.
Fantasy has never been closer to reality…
You can download and read the prologue and first chapter of “Mortals” in .pdf version here.